This article will explain “How you can trade via AmiBroker Buttons? And the order will go into one or more trading accounts from same or different brokers“. At time of writing we can place orders via AmiBroker buttons on Supports leading Indian Stock Brokers.
We will be using AutoTrader Web tool to help us with the order placement.
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Let’s quickly understand the tools we will need for this. To learn more about each tool, you can click on the links given below.
- AmiBroker (Registered or Free trial version)
- AutoTrader Web (Need to register and add trading accounts)
- AutoTrader Desktop Client
To keep things easy, we will go through each step in detail.
Step 1: Add accounts on AutoTrader Web
- Register on AutoTrader Web. Details on this link.
- Add all of your trading accounts one by one into AutoTrader Web. Details on this link.
Step 2: Setup at-desktop client
- This client helps AmiBroker to communicate with AutoTrader Web’s server. The process to setup has been explained in detail on this link.
- Install AmiBroker library, from at-desktop Settings screen. This will make sure all latest samples are downloaded inside your AmiBroker. This is a one time activity.
- Once you have installed and setup the at-desktop client, you must start it. It must be in MONITORING state.
Step 3: Bring up your AmiBroker chart
- Start your AmiBroker
- Start your AmiBroker live price datafeed
- Bring up a fresh chart
- Add your AFLs or indicators
Step 4: Overlay button AFL
- Open Charts section in AmiBroker
- Look for the folders (AutoTrader Web -> Buttons)
- Right click on “at-buy-sell-buttons” AFL & click Overlay (see screenshot below)
- You will see BUY & SELL buttons on your chart now on top left hand side

Step 5: Setup chart parameters
The next thing to do is to setup chart parameters (see screenshot below). Important parameters have been explained below:
- AutoTrader
- Exchange: The exchange of the stock/derivative you want to trade. You can search it on instrument search tool
- Symbol: The exchange of the stock/derivative you want to trade. You can search it on instrument search tool
- Account: Ignore this parameter (it is not applicable)
- Product Type: The product type of your order (INTRADAY, DELIVERY, NORMAL)
- Quantity: The quantity to use for the order
- AutoTrader Buttons
- Accounts: A comma separated list of your account numbers (it can be one or many)
- Remaining parameters: These are for the positioning & sizing of the BUY/SELL buttons

Step 6: Trade (place orders)
We are all set to do the trading now, you can do your analysis and click buy/sell buttons as you see the opportunities.
Step 7: Debug (Investigate)
When things do not go as expected, you want to investigate what is happening. The following steps shall help find the root cause of any problem that you might face.
- Enable AmiBroker logs and view it. More details about AmiBroker logs debugging
- Check that the at-desktop client is in Monitoring state
- Check the logs of at-desktop client (Logs tab on the client)
- Check server logs. More details about AutoTrader Web activity logs
You can feel free to customize these AFLs as per your needs, but do remember to make a copy of them before doing any changes. The sample files always get replaced, when you reinstall our library.
So here you have seen how to place orders into one or more trading accounts from different brokers via AmiBroker buttons. You can do a lot of further customization like firing more than one orders across different accounts, placing bracket or cover orders etc. These samples are available inside our library, feel free to check them out.
For any queries, you can contact us.