The system gives this error when it cannot generate TOTP. This is most likely due to invalid TOTP key entered by the user.
Firstly, users must understand that TOTP & TOTP Key are two different things:
- Totp Key – it a text of random characters (normally anywhere between 10-20 characters long. This key is then passed to the Totp Generation Algorithm, which generates a 6-digit TOTP
- Totp – A 6-digit value that is generate using Totp Key (via Totp algorithm). AutoTrader Web generates this value from the Totp Key entered by the user while adding a trading account
- Go to menu (Settings -> Trading Accounts)
- Click on the login id of your trading account to go to Edit mode
- If you do not know how to obtain the key, click on the big green help button at the top (just below the broker selection dropdown)
- Make sure you enter correct Totp Key
- Click Validate & Save