This error happens when Kite session expires.
To save API cost of 2,000/- per month per trading account; we avoid using Kite APIs. Our system logs in to kite website, instead of using Kite APIs.
However, Kite does not allow multiple logins. The exception being Kite Mobile App, so if you want to login parallelly; then use Kite Mobile App
As you can see from the screenshot below, it is an error that can also be observed on Kite.

Solution – 1
The best solution is use Kite Mobile App for logging in. A login from mobile app of Kite does not interfere with AutoTrader Web’s Kite login.
Solution – 2
Once try to manually login in to Kite and then log out. This should solve the issue provided your login credentials entered in AutoTrader Web are correct.
Solution – 3
AutoTrader Web has automatic re-login procedure, so do not worry about it.
To look at your live portfolio, use the portfolio screens available on AutoTrader Web (Menu: Trading -> Portfolio).
If for some reason you must login then:
- Stop Desktop client if you are using it
- Stop or pause your automated trading if you are not using desktop client
- You can even place a dummy order after you are done with your manual work in kite account