A broker’s trading system internally contains many sub-systems. Any request sent to the broker is processed by these sub-systems before a response is generated and returned to the user or AutoTrader Web.
Now, the problem happens if any one of these sub-systems fails to process the request. The caller or requester system will throw a timeout error in such cases. There could be many reasons for timeout errors, some of them are given below:
- Heavy load on broker’s system
- Technical issues on the broker’s system
There is no solution here. The error needs to be looked into by the technology team of your stock broker. Unfortunately, it is difficult to reach and convey it to them. Sometimes there support front desk might not entertain you, because you are using AutoTrader Web; which is an external system.
AutoTrader team cannot do much, as we have clearly shown the error message and where it has come from. We cannot fix the problems in broker’s server, as we do not own them nor do we have access to them.
You can retry your failed operation in such cases.