The reason for this error is AutoTrader cannot find your authentication tokens in Firefox browser.
If you are not logged into Zerodha Kite, then please do so using Firefox browser. Make sure your Zerodha User Id entered in the AutoTrader settings matches with the one you are logging in with.
If you are already logged into Kite on Firefox browser, then follow the steps given below:
- Stop AutoTrader
- Uninstall Firefox browser
- Delete folder (%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\)
- Press (Windows Key + r)
- Enter above path
- Reinstall Firefox browser
- Login to kite account on firefox browser
- If you get an error from firefox, something like “Profile not found”
- Click windows start menu
- Go to Run command box (Shortcut: Windows Key + r)
- Type firefox.exe -profilemanager
- Create a new profile and continue
- Start AutoTrader