API function to place any kind of order. It is mostly useful when you want pass attributes which are normally kept to their default values. Some of those attributes are:
Api function will place an advanced order on 5Paisa, AC Agarwal, AliceBlue, Ambalal Shares, AnandRathi, Angel, ATS, Choice, Eureka, Finvasia, Flattrade, Fyers, IIFL, Jainam, Kotak, Mastertrust, Motilal, Profitmart, Raghunandan Money, SAS, SW Capital, Tradejini, Tradeswift, Upstox, Wisdom Capital, Zebu, Zerodha, Symphony XTS.
function placeOrderAdvanced(variety, account,
exchange, symbol,
tradeType, orderType, productType,
quantity, price, triggerPrice,
target, stoploss, trailingStoploss,
disclosedQuantity, validity, amo,
strategyId, comments, validate)
orderId = placeOrderAdvanced("REGULAR", "ACC_NAME",
100, 180.55, 0, 0, 0, 0,
50, "DAY", False,
-1, "Entering long", True);
string placeOrderAdvanced(Variety variety, string account,
Exchange exchange, string symbol,
TradeType tradeType, OrderType orderType,
ProductType productType, int quantity,
double price, double triggerPrice, double target,
double stoploss, double trailingStoploss,
int disclosedQuantity, Validity validity, bool amo,
int strategyId, string comments, bool validate)
string id = placeOrderAdvanced(REGULAR,
0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, DAY, false,
defaultStrategyId(), "", true);
* Places an order.
* @param order order object
* @return the order id given by your stock broker
IOperationResponse<String> placeOrder(Order order);
// Create a pseudo account
final PseudoAccount account = new PseudoAccount();
// Create an order
final Order order = Order.builder().account(account).
// Place an order
final IOperationResponse<String> response = autotrader.placeOrder(order);
// Extract order id from response
String orderId = null;
if (response.success()) {
// Order id given by your trading platform
orderId = response.getResult();
} else {
String errorMessage = response.getMessage();
This will place an order into your trading account that is mapped to the passed pseudo account. The function will return a response object.
Response object has a function called success(), which returns true on successful execution.
We can then use the method getResult() to access order_id given by your trading platform.
- order – the order object
/// <summary>
/// Places an advanced order. For more information, please see <a href=
/// "https://stocksdeveloper.in/documentation/api/place-advanced-order/">api
/// docs</a>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="variety"> variety </param>
/// <param name="pseudoAccount"> pseudo account </param>
/// <param name="exchange"> exchange </param>
/// <param name="symbol"> symbol </param>
/// <param name="tradeType"> trade type </param>
/// <param name="orderType"> order type </param>
/// <param name="productType"> product type </param>
/// <param name="quantity"> quantity </param>
/// <param name="price"> price </param>
/// <param name="triggerPrice"> trigger price </param>
/// <param name="target"> target (Bracket order) </param>
/// <param name="stoploss"> stoploss (Bracket order) </param>
/// <param name="trailingStoploss"> trailingStoploss (Bracket order) </param>
/// <param name="disclosedQuantity"> disclosedQuantity </param>
/// <param name="validity"> validity </param>
/// <param name="amo"> amo (indicates an After Market Order) </param>
/// <param name="strategyId"> strategyId (kept for future use) </param>
/// <param name="comments"> comments (optional) </param>
/// <param name="publisherId"> publisherId (optional) </param>
/// <returns> the order id given by your stock broker </returns>
IOperationResponse<String> PlaceAdvancedOrder(Variety variety,
string pseudoAccount, string exchange, string symbol,
TradeType tradeType, OrderType orderType, ProductType productType,
int quantity, float price, float triggerPrice, float target, float stoploss,
float trailingStoploss, int disclosedQuantity, Validity validity, bool amo,
string strategyId, string comments, string publisherId);
IOperationResponse<string> response = autoTrader.PlaceAdvancedOrder(
Variety.REGULAR, "MM01515", "NSE", "SBIN", TradeType.BUY,
OrderType.LIMIT, ProductType.INTRADAY, 1, 400.3f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0,
Validity.DAY, false, "", "", "");
This will place an order into your trading account that is mapped to the passed pseudo account. The function will return a response object.
Response object has a function called success(), which returns true on successful execution.
We can then use the method getResult() to access order_id given by your trading platform.
def place_advanced_order(self, variety, pseudo_account,
exchange, symbol, tradeType, orderType,
productType, quantity, price, triggerPrice,
target, stoploss, trailingStoploss,
disclosedQuantity, validity, amo,
strategyId, comments, publisherId):
response = autotrader.place_advanced_order( \
'REGULAR', '159401', 'NSE', 'SBIN', 'SELL', 'LIMIT', 'INTRADAY', \
1, 410.35, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 'DAY', False, '', '', '')
if response.success():
print("Result: {0}".format(response.result))
print("Message: {0}".format(response.message))
Public Function PlaceOrderAdvanced(Variety As String, _
PseudoAccount As String, _
Exchange As String, _
Symbol As String, _
TradeType As String, _
OrderType As String, _
ProductType As String, _
Quantity As Integer, _
Price As Double, _
TriggerPrice As Double, _
Target As Double, _
Stoploss As Double, _
TrailingStoploss As Double, _
DisclosedQuantity As Integer, _
Validity As String, _
Amo As Boolean, _
StrategyId As Integer, _
Comments As String) As String
Dim OrderId As String
OrderId = PlaceOrderAdvanced("REGULAR", "ACC_NAME", _
"NSE", "SBIN", "BUY", "LIMIT", "INTRADAY", 100, 200.55, _
0, 0, 0, 0, 50, "DAY", False, -1, "Going long...")
curl https://api.stocksdeveloper.in/trading/placeAdvancedOrder \
-H "api-key: <your_api_key>" \
-d "variety=REGULAR" \
-d "pseudoAccount=ACC_NAME" \
-d "exchange=NSE" \
-d "symbol=SBIN" \
-d "tradeType=SELL" \
-d "orderType=MARKET" \
-d "productType=INTRADAY" \
-d "quantity=1" \
-d "price=0" \
-d "triggerPrice=0" \
-d "amo=false" \
-d "validity=DAY"
Postman is widely used tool for API testing. We have provided below a collection of all of our APIs in postman collection format. Click postman collection to know more about how to use it.
- variety – variety
- account – pseudo account
- exchange – instrument (stock/derivative) exchange
- symbol – instrument (stock/derivative) symbol
- tradeType – trade type
- orderType – order type
- productType – product type
- quantity – quantity
- Note: For NSE/BSE derivatives, quantity should be multiple of lot size. Example, BANKNIFTY lot size is 15. So to buy/sell 1 lot, you need to enter 15 quantity.
- price – order price
- triggerPrice – trigger price
- target – target for bracket order
- stoploss – stoploss for bracket order
- trailingStoploss – trailing stoploss for bracket order
- disclosedQuantity – disclosed quantity
- validity – validity
- amo – After Market Order
- strategyId – strategy id (kept for future use). Keep it -1 for now
- comments – any comments you might want to add to order
- validate – validate order (check for duplicate signals) . Only applicable for AmiBroker.
Return value
AmiBroker, MetaTrader, Excel
This function sends place order request to AutoTrader Desktop Client. On successful submission, it will return a unique publisherId (orderId given by AutoTrader library).
Java, HTTP
The function returns a platformId (orderId given by your trading platform).
The type of the return value is String or Text.