The process to onboard IIFL trading account on AutoTrader Web.
IIFL offers 2 different APIs:
- IIFL Open API (This is the default, see below steps to learn)
- Symphony XTS API (Click here to learn)
Generate APIs
- Login to IIFL trading website
- From the top menu, navigate to (My Account -> Profile -> My Details)
- Click on the “Trading API” tab
- Please click the “Generate” button
- You will see all the API details (See screenshot below). See couple of important notes below:
- It takes anywhere between 2-3 hours for IIFL to fully activate the APIs. So please wait for 2-3 hours before you add API details in AutoTrader Web.
- These API details remain valid for 6 months. After that you need to regenerate it.
- Go to AutoTrader Web menu (Settings -> Trading Accounts)
- Click Create button
- For ease of understand see mapping screenshot below
- Select Broker: IIFL
- Add your login id & password (the one that you use on
- Add security answer (2FA) which is your DOB in (YYYYMMDD) format
- User key is your user key in API details
- App name is your app name in API details
- App source is your app source in API details
- User id is your user id in API details
- Password is your password in API details
- Encryption key is your encryption key in API details
- Click Validate button
- Once you see a success message, click Save button