- Demo
- What is copy-trading?
- Why our copy-trading is better?
- How do I set-up copy-trading?
- How to stop auto-copy?
- How to modify or delete master account?
- How does auto-copy work?
- TRACE – How do I monitor auto-copy progress?
- How to auto-split the order (to overcome quantity freeze limits)?
- Limitations / Precautions
- Error scenarios & solutions
- Performance
- Delay
- Testing
What is copy-trading?
Copy trading means copying orders automatically from one trading account (called as master account) to one or many trading accounts (called as child accounts).
There are 2 ways to do copy-trading in our system. It is important to understand the difference explained here.
- Master Child Copy Trading (useful for copying orders coming from an “ALGO”)
- PMS Copy Trading (Recommended for “Manual Traders”)
Why our copy-trading is better?
Here are some of the advantages of over the competition:
- Easy to setup
- Automated order copying
- Automated order cancellation copying
- Ability to provide quantity multiplier for each child account
- Automatic rounding of quantity based on lot size
- Rapid execution of orders
- Allows you to specify start & end time for copying operations
- Easy on/off switch to stop/start your copy operations
- Complete master & child orders details are provided for each copied order
- In-depth copy logs are also provide for complete transparency
- Parallel order execution for higher throughput
- Optional (Sequential order execution) for option traders for whom sequence of ordee execution is important
- Built-in protection to avoid infinite copy loop
How do I set-up copy-trading?
- Register to AutoTrader Web. See more details here.
- Make sure you have added your trading accounts in the system. See more details here.
- Create pseudo accounts (optional step as you do get an option to create a pseudo account while creating a trading account). See more details here.
Master-Child Setup
- Go to menu (Settings -> Master Accounts)
- Click the Create button
- Select Master Account (The orders of this account will be auto-copied) [Screenshot – 1, see below]
- Click Next to select Child Accounts[Screenshot – 2, see below]
- Copy Placement – This switch enables copying of order placement
- When this switch is ON & a new order is placed in master, it will be copied to child accounts
- Turn it OFF to stop order copying
- Copy Cancellation – This switch enables copying of order cancellation
- When this switch is ON & an order from master account is cancelled, all of it’s copies in the child accounts will also be cancelled
- Turn it OFF to stop order cancellation copying
- Copy Modification – This switch enables copying of order modifications
- When this switch is ON & an order from master account is modified, all of it’s copies in the child accounts will also be modified
- Turn it OFF to stop order modification copying
- Parallel Order Execution – Allows option strategy traders to execute orders in sequence
- Keep it ON for most scenarios as it gives better performance
- Only if you are an option trader who wants his orders to be executed in a proper sequence to avoid margin shortfall errors, then keep it OFF.
- Please read the sequential order execution limitations below
- Auto Split Frozen Qty – Automatically splits the order (if the order quantity is higher than Quantity Freeze Limit)
- Copy Duration – This setting allows you to control the duration when copying is active in your account
- Copy Start Time – Copying will start at this time
- Copy End Time – Copying will end at this time
- Important: This feature is extremely useful for intraday traders. Intraday traders must set this value to a time before your broker’s intraday auto-square-off process begins. Failing to do will result in AutoTrader Web copying intraday auto-square-off orders which might placed by you stock broker.
- Available Pseudo Accounts – This table has all accounts which are available to be added as a child account
- Click the Plus (+) button in the first column to add the account as a child account
- Child Pseudo Accounts – This table has all accounts which are available to be added as a child account
- Quantity Multiplier – You can now edit the quantity multiplier.
- Note: Quantity multiplier calculation & rounding details are present here.
- Click the Minus (-) button in the first column to remove the child account
- Quantity Multiplier – You can now edit the quantity multiplier.
- Click Save button to save the new master-child configuration
- Copy Placement – This switch enables copying of order placement
Once you have saved the master account, the system will start copying as per parameters you have set.

How to stop auto-copy?
- Go to menu (Settings -> Master Accounts)
- Click on your master account name in the first column
- Untick the Copy Placement switch to stop auto-copy
- Click Save
How to modify or delete master account?
- Go to menu (Settings -> Master Accounts)
- Click on your master account name in the first column
- To delete, there is a button at the bottom to delete
- You can modify your master account
- Add/remove child accounts
- Update quantity multipler
- Enable/disable copy operations
- Modify start/end time etc.
- Click Save
How does auto-copy work?
That’s it! You are all set to do auto-copy 🙂
- Once the set-up is complete, our system will keep on monitoring your master account for any new orders
- As soon as it sees new orders, it will automatically copy them to the child accounts
- Orders can be placed in master account from following sources:
- AutoTrader Web – Trade Screen Or APIs
- Directly in to your stock broker’s terminal or APIs (via algos)
- See limitations below for the above point
- Hurray!!! Do not forget to monitor the progress.
TRACE – How do I monitor auto-copy progress?
Important: It is extremely important to monitor the progress of auto-copy. There are so many variables & systems involved that sometimes there could be errors. So always keep a close watch & take necessary actions if needed.
Monitor from our PMS dashboard
Our PMS dashboard allows you to monitor all of your trading accounts from a single place. Go to menu (Trading -> Portfolio) and start monitoring.
- Look for every new order that is placed in your master account (either by you or your algo)
- Then check whether it has been copied properly into all of the child accounts
Order copy details
- We have provided a new column called Copy Trace [Screenshot 3 – see below]. It is available in the orders tab under portfolio. If you cannot find it, scroll to the right (you can even drag this column and bring it to the front)
- Once you click on the order id (of the master account order) in this column, you will get complete details of the copy operation [Screenshot 4 – see below]
- You can check every child order id on this screen
- If you have any doubts about the execution of child orders, then copy the order id & check details of the child order in our orders screen or your broker’s trading terminal’s order history screen
- If you need even further system logs, click on the copy logs links provided [Screenshot 5 – see below]

A user must mail his investigation (trace & activity log screenshots) for any support queries or issues on copy trading. Without it, we will not be able to provide any assistance.
How to auto-split the order (to overcome quantity freeze limits)?
Sometimes if a child account has high multiplier which results in order quantity going beyond the Freeze limit set by the exchanges; your order will be rejected by the broker.
To help with such scenarios, we have added a new feature in the system which will automatically split the order if the quantity is higher than the Freeze limit.
Note: By default, auto-splitting is turned off. This is because placing orders of large quantities is a very risky thing. Only those users who need it, should enable it.
Important: By enabling auto-splitting, we assume that the user understands the risks. They should do thorough testing by keeping less margin in child accounts before going ahead with actual trading.

Limitations / Precautions
We have outlined known limitations of the system. You are strongly advised to read & understand them.
- Testing – This is a very common mistake. Many users enable auto-copy for testing & then forget to disable/delete it. If you do not want to use auto-copy after you have finished testing, then you should disable auto-copy or delete the master account.
- AMO (After Market Orders) are not supported
- Bracket & Cover orders (BO & CO) are not supported
- GTT orders are not supported
- Orders in a master account can be directly placed on broker platforms with the following exceptions:
- Some brokers like Zerodha do not allow parallel logins; hence
- Zerodha/Aliceblue users must use Kite mobile app or APIs or AutoTrader Web
- Finvasia users cannot use broker’s terminal (Use AutoTrader Web)
- Some brokers like Zerodha do not allow parallel logins; hence
- Quantity Rounding is ON by default. Users should not turn it OFF without proper understanding. Read more about Quantity Rounding.
- A price change will be copied only if the change in price is greater than 0.01 (1 paisa). This is due to decimal precision issues with some brokers.
- A maximum of 100 modifications will be copied for a single order. If the same order is modified more than 100 times, then modification copying will be stopped for that specific order. This is to avoid overload in the system.
- Intraday auto-square-off
- Intraday traders should know the auto-square-off timings of all brokers of master as well as child accounts that they are trading with
- You must set copy end time to be earlier that the earliest or minimum of the auto-square-off time of your brokers
- Intraday positions should be square-off by you or your algo before the copy-end-time
- Failing to do so would result in auto-square-off orders placed by your broker in master account being copied to child accounts (not something that you would want)
- IIFL & 5 Paisa Broker
- It is NOT recommended to use IIFL account as a master account
- Only order placement copying is supported for IIFL master account
- Order cancellation copying is not possible in IIFL master account
- This is because once you cancel an IIFL order, the broker changes that orders unique order id
- The order id is used by AutoTrader Web to find all of the child orders
- And because IIFL changes master order after it has been cancelled. The system cannot find child orders & as a result cannot cancel child orders
- If master order is cancelled (which will change it’s order id), then you will also not get correct trace & logs
- If IIFL account is a child account, then there is no problem.
- It is NOT recommended to use IIFL account as a master account
- Sequential order execution
- Sequential order execution uses order timestamp to sort the order
- If order timestamp given by broker is same for two or more orders, then order of execution would be unpredictable
- Brokers mostly give timestamp only till second level accuracy, they do not provide order timestamp in milliseconds.
- So for guaranteed sequential order execution, please have a delay of at least 1.5 seconds between your consecutive orders
- Trading in child account
- Be careful, if you do place orders in child account. Mistakes like the one mentioned below can easily happen without you realizing it. See below example:
- You place a buy order into master account
- It is copied automatically to children
- The order is executed and you have a long position in both master as well as all of it’s children
- You square-off the position in “one of the child account” (by mistake or on purpose)
- If you now square-off the positions in a master account, then following would happen
- Because we had a long position, the square-off in master would mean a sell order
- This sell order will be copied in all children
- Now master & all children (except the one) will have the position squared-off
- But the one child account that you square-off would have a short position open now. Because it’s net quantity was zero due to you squaring off & auto-copy has placed a sell order.
- Be careful, if you do place orders in child account. Mistakes like the one mentioned below can easily happen without you realizing it. See below example:
- Order Timestamp Comparison
- Users make a mistake of comparing order timestamp with order copying time
- Order timestamp which can be seen on AT Web’s orders screen or on your trading platform’s orders section is called as “last modified time”
- This last modified time is the time on which order was last modified on the brokers side. This should NOT be compared with order copy times.
- A correct comparison is with order “entry or created time”. This can be seen at two different places:
- AutoTrader activity logs
- Many brokers provide a feature to view order log or order history; which can tell you order entry time
- Users make a mistake of comparing order timestamp with order copying time
- You are strongly advised to do proper testing before going live (see below section Safe Testing)
- Master-child copy testing should be done in live market hours
Error scenarios & solutions
Due to the complex nature & involvement of multiple systems; you may see errors or unexpected behavior at times.
- What to do if order place/cancel is not copied into one of the child accounts?
- Use our PMS system to manually place/cancel order in child account
- Click on the master order copy trace link (explained above) to understand why the order was not copied
- What to do if orders are not getting copied or any other issue?
- Check activity logs
- What to do if there are continuous orders being fired?
- This can only happen if you have an algorithmic trading system which has a bug
- Go to menu (Settings -> Master Account)
- Click on your master account
- Untick Copy
- Save
The performance details are documented here.
The performance (delay) details are documented here.
Follow these guidelines to test auto-copy feature to reduce risks:
- What to test?
- Place order in master account
- Make sure it is copied in child accounts
- Make sure quantity in child accounts is as per the quantity multiplier
- Cancel an order in master account
- Make sure child orders are cancelled
- Untick copy flag in master account and place an order in master account
- Make sure the order is NOT copied in children, because you have disabled the auto-copy operation
- Place order in master account
- After Market Testing
- This obviously has lowest risk as the orders will not executed in the exchange
- However you may face issues as orders being rejected due to non-market hours etc.
- You cannot test order cancellation copy in this
- Live market but safe orders
- Enter safe orders which are not likely to execute
- Example, if a stock or derivative is currently trading at 100/- then place a buy order at 90/- so it will remain open
- Make sure orders are copied as expected
- Cancel the order in master account
- Make sure orders are cancelled in child account (assuming you have copy cancellation enabled)
- Enter safe orders which are not likely to execute