This screen allows you to place orders into one or more accounts. You can an option to select multiple accounts, so that the order gets copied into selected accounts.
You can use instruments search tool to search instrument symbols.
Enter order details and select the accounts in which you want the same order to be placed.
AutoTrader Web is India’s only trading system which allows this kind on feature on UI.

Note: More details of various order placement or copying options are provided in the PMS docs.
The symbol field can be used to search instruments with ease. Here are some of the important points about the search:
- The search works on stock symbol (not the name)
- Example: The symbols for State Bank of India is SBIN
- The search is pretty intelligent. You can enter words like (future, call, put) to narrow the results. See some examples:
- sbin
- banknifty future
- nifty call 13000
- Search results are grouped by category (stocks, futures, options etc.), which allows quick lookup
- If results are large, you will get a scrollbar to scroll through all the results
All of above mentioned points can be looked at in the below screenshot:

Favourites option allows you to quickly access symbols that you trade most often.
See the screenshots below to understand it better.

We strongly recommend going through our PMS (Portfolio Management System) tool to understand all features available on this screen.